Kanbar Hall
Jewish Community Center of San Francisco
3200 California Street at Presidio Avenue
San Francisco is often maligned in the East and Mid-West as “not much of a baseball town
In 2010, the San Francisco Giants won the World Series, capping an amazing season that made us all fans and the City was finally acknowledged as a “real baseball town.
Few people realize that baseball has been played in San Francisco from at least 1851. Names like the Knickerbockers, Missions and Seals preceded the Giants who came west in 1958. In fact, in true California pioneer fashion, the first baseball club organized in San Francisco was organized in a bar, Dan’s Oyster Saloon on Montgomery Street.
As an opener for the 2012 baseball season, Scott Ostler, a sports columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, will moderate a panel of baseball historians who will trace where the game has been played from Portsmouth Plaza to AT&T Park.
Programs are free to SFMHS members. Admission for non-members is $5 per person, which may be applied to membership dues within 30 days. No rsvp necessary.
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